Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thoughts on the Pole

I did an 18.6 mile run today. Two laps around the airport at a 9 min pace. Slower than the 21.7 mile run last week. The difference lies in the fact that I missed breakfast and it was freakn cold, windy, and raining. It is amazing how being uncomfortable eats away at your mental resolve. I have assumed that the cold and the snow at the pole are horrendous and that is why the fastest men's times are four and a half hours. It is a little scary to imagine what wind and snow and 40 below will be like.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. Its going to be tough, but the main thing wind, snow and 40 below will do is remind you, you are at the North Pole. And that is pretty fantastic!

    I'll be worrying about the 12,000ft of Arctic ocean beneath my feet. Eek.
